Taking Care of Your Eyeglasses in Cold Weather

The winters in Portland can be brutal. For those who wear eyeglasses, it’s good to be informed about some helpful tips for caring for glasses in cold weather, because the cold in Oregon is like no other; it’s a whole different beast, as residents know! Here’s what your optician in Portland, OR knows about keeping eyeglasses going strong through the winter months in the Northeast!

Prevent Fogging

One of the most common hassles about glasses in cold weather is having them fog up when you move from a cold environment into a warm one. It’s embarrassing to walk into a room with clouded up lenses, to say the least. Here are some solutions.

Use Anti-Fog Spray or Wipes

Applying an anti-fog solution to your lenses can help prevent moisture from condensing on them. These products create a thin film that discourages condensation.

Adjust Your Glasses

Sometimes, simply adjusting how your glasses sit on your face can reduce fogging. If you allow more air to circulate between your face and your lenses, it can help minimize the amount of condensation that forms.

Homemade Solutions

If you’re in a pinch, washing your glasses with soapy water and letting them air dry can leave behind a film that reduces fogging. Just make sure to use a lotion-free soap that’s approved by your optician, because certain cleansing agents can remove any lens film that may be on there, like for transition lenses.

Protect Your Frames

Cold weather can also be tough on your frames, especially if they’re made of metal, which can contract in cold temperatures and potentially bend or break.

Keep Them Warm

When not wearing your glasses, keep them in their case inside your bag or pocket to protect them from extreme temperatures. Anything soft on the inside will both insulate them and keep the lenses from getting scratched up.


Cold can make materials more brittle. Be gentle when handling your glasses in winter, especially when cleaning them or adjusting their fit.

Taking care of your eyeglasses in cold weather requires a little extra attention, but it’s worth it, considering their importance in helping you to see the world more clearer. For more help, or to get new eyeglasses in Portland, OR, stop in to Asterix!

What Are Transition Lenses and How Do They Work?

If you have glasses and your eye doctor in Portland OR mentioned transition lenses, you might be wondering if they are right for you. Comparing some of the pros and cons will help you decide if getting transition lenses is something you might want to do. But first, we will go over what transition lenses are, in case you don’t already know.

What Are Transition Lenses?

Transition lenses are also called photochromic lenses. They have special lenses that automatically darken when exposed to sunlight or UV light and get lighter in softer light. However, they are designed to remain clear when used indoors.

The Pros and Cons of Transition Lenses

Here are the pros and cons of transition lenses in Portland, OR.


  • Convenience. Transition lenses automatically change to a darker shade as you enter sunlight or are exposed to UV light. They will then automatically lighten when you move out of the sunlight or away from UV rays. This automatic transitioning means you won’t have to carry several pairs of glasses everywhere you go.
  • Continual Eye Protection. Your eyes will always be protected, and you won’t have to worry about forgetting to wear your sunglasses.
  • Stylish. Transition lens eyeglasses come in a wide variety of colors and styles, regardless of your prescription.
  • Save Money. Getting transition lenses will save you money because you won’t have to buy prescription sunglasses in addition to your regular prescription glasses.


  • Varying Degrees of Transition. Transition lenses will darken and lighten to varying degrees. The extent of this will vary between brands.
  • Cold Weather Performance. Transition lenses take longer to adjust when you are out in the cold.
  • Reduced Performance. When in a vehicle, transition lenses don’t always work as well because some vehicle glass has UV protection built in. The vehicle’s UV protection will on occasion, prevent transition lenses from darkening. However, some transition lenses have been designed to adjust to that issue.

Do You Need an Eye Doctor in Portland, OR?

If you need an eye doctor in Portland, OR, please Contact Asterix Eyewear today. We have been around for 18 years and offer eyecare, sales, service, and repairs. And we are proud to be Portland’s premiere dispensing opticians. We look forward to welcoming you into our comfortable, relaxing office.

3 Things to Try If Your Vintage Frames Break

If your vintage eyeglass frames break in Portland, OR, it can be a bit of a blow. Older styles may pair well with your modern outfits, but the whole point of wearing them is that they’re one-of-a-kind. If you don’t want to find a new pair, we’ll look at a few things that you can try.

Assess the Break

For the most part, frames tend to break at the bridge. You’ll need to understand the type of break and the material before making any significant decisions. For example, you may be able to glue two pieces back together with a strong adhesive, but only if the frames are made of plastic. They’ll need to be welded back together if they’re made of metal.

Look for an Eyeglass Repair Kit 

Eyeglass repair kits come with screws and nose pads, making it simple to replace components if they’re lost or they’ve fallen off. You can use a small screwdriver (often found within the kit) to replace a hinge screw or to snap in a new nose pad.

Talk to an Expert

There are certain breaks that your eyeglasses can’t return from. However, before you officially make that decision, you may want to bring the frames to an eyeglass repair expert in Portland, OR. At Asterix, we specialize in replacing lenses, converting glasses into sunglasses, and repairing vintage frames.

Whether you need a replacement or screw repair, we work with vintage frames day in and day out. We amaze our customers by making their vintage frames as good as new whenever possible, which is why so many people trust us with their most prized possessions.

Eyeglass frames are more than just a way for you to see better, they’re a reflection of your personal style. Vintage frames may be in fashion, but they often have a personal story attached to them. Whether they were your aunt’s or you’ve just worn them for the last 20 years, it’s an aesthetic choice that you show off — likely on a daily basis. If you’re looking for a team that appreciates your vintage frames every bit as much as you do, contact the Asterix team to let us know how we can help!

 Can Eyeglasses Really Protect Your Eyes from Blue Light?

Blue light affects nearly everyone in America, which is why it helps to understand what it is and whether you can protect yourself. With the use of digital devices showing no signs of decline, we’ll look at what you can do to keep your eyes safe.

What Is Blue Light?

Blue light refers to the light emitted by our tablets, phones, laptops, and monitors. You may not think of it as blue, but the wavelengths are on the blue spectrum.

Does Blue Light Impact Your Eyes?

The truth is that the studies say conflicting things about blue light and your eyes. While some claim that blue light impacts your circadian rhythms and causes eye strain, this is essentially true for all light.

Can Eyeglasses Block the Blue Light?

Eyeglasses can put a barrier between you and blue light, though, again, the benefits are inconclusive. If you’re looking for eyeglasses in Portland, OR, it’s worth talking to an expert about what you’re looking for and what you expect from your purchase.

How Can I Protect My Eyes from Blue Light?

The best way to protect your eyes is to limit your screen use. While this may be impractical advice if you rely on a computer to make a living, everyone has the ability to unplug and relax before they go to sleep.

It’s worth noting that plenty of people do find that their blue light eyeglasses have an impact on their quality of life, either helping them sleep better or reducing eye strain. If you’ve tried other methods, including improving your sleep hygiene and taking frequent breaks, buying special lenses may be another avenue to try.

Eyewear in Portland

The best eyewear in Portland, OR is sold by a staff you can trust. At Asterix, we’re here to give you the facts about which frames, lenses, and sunglasses will work best for you and your visual health. Plus, if you ever need repairs or adjustments, you can look to us for assistance.

3 Things You Can Do to Prevent Your Child from Losing Their Glasses

Kids lose their glasses. Some kids lose them a lot! Replacing lost glasses can be costly. Parents who want to avoid replacing lost glasses can take steps to help their children keep track of their glasses.

If you’re a parent who would like to help your child keep track of their glasses, work with your child’s optician in Portland, OR to make this easier. Below are three things you can do to help your child avoid losing their glasses.

1. Buy a Glasses Chain

Eyeglasses neck chains give your child the ability to hang their glasses around their neck when the glasses aren’t being worn. Chains come in many styles and lengths, so you can choose the type of chain that’s best for your child. Some are decorative and beaded, others are durable and comfortable. Let your child pick the chain that they like best.

2. Teach Them Not to Remove Their Glasses

When your child first gets their glasses, they may struggle with the impulse to remove their glasses at every opportunity. If they develop this habit early, it may be difficult to fight later. Teach your child to leave their glasses on their face. Remind them to wear their glasses – or use the chain to hang their glasses around their neck when they want to take them off.

3. Give Them a Place to Put Their Glasses

Kids often lose their glasses by taking them off in unexpected places. Assign your child one or two locations where they may put their glasses down.

This may be on their dresser, nightstand, or bathroom counter. By giving your child a few places where they are allowed to keep their glasses, your child is less likely to put their glasses somewhere unexpected.

Give your child a case from the optician where they can put their glasses when they aren’t on their face. If possible, choose a brightly colored case that stands out and is very visible. Need glasses in Portland, OR? Call Asterix today.

Pros and Cons of Eyeglasses Repair vs. Replacement

When you get eyeglasses in Portland, OR, at Asterix, you can be assured that you’re getting a quality pair. But even with the best quality eyeglasses, they won’t last forever. At some point, you’ll be faced with a decision of whether to repair or replace them. When that time comes, here are some things to keep in mind.

Pros of Eyeglasses Repair


Depending on the eyeglasses, it’s usually more cost-effective to repair them rather than replace them. This is especially true if the damage is minor, such as a broken hinge, replacing nose pads, or something similar.


Minor repairs can usually be completed quickly, sometimes even on the same day. This means you can get back to using your glasses without a long wait, which is particularly important if you rely on them daily.


You’ll be saving the environment a little bit by repairing your eyeglasses instead of replacing them. Every little bit helps, and if you like to do your part, this is a good option.

Cons of Eyeglasses Repair

Limited Repairs

You may not be able to get your eyeglasses repaired even if you want to. If the damage is more serious, such as broken arms or bent frames, you may have to get them replaced.

Potential For Future Problems

Although chances are slim, repaired eyeglasses might be more prone to future problems, especially if the repair involves critical structural elements like the frame or hinges.

Pros of Eyeglasses Replacement

New Style

It’s always nice to get a new pair of eyeglasses. It gives you a fresh new look and may even lead to other positive changes in your life.

More Lens Options

New lens options are always becoming available. Maybe this time around, you’ll try progressive lenses or an anti-glare coating that will enhance your experience wearing glasses.

Cons of Eyeglasses Replacement


New eyeglasses mean a new investment, so you’ll spend more on a replacement over a repair.

Adjustment Period

New eyeglasses may require an adjustment period for your eyes and your comfort. This can include getting used to a new frame shape, size, or weight and any new lens prescriptions.

At the end of the day, it’s a personal decision about whether to get new eyeglasses in Portland, OR, or simply repair the ones you already have. Contact us today to book your appointment.

Where to Find Titanium Welding for Eyeglasses in Portland

If you have titanium eyeglasses, you typically won’t be able to repair them with traditional welding techniques. When heated, titanium is highly reactive to oxygen and nitrogen, leaving brittle, weakened surfaces behind. This can make it difficult to find an eyeglass repair shop in Portland, OR, especially if you have a pair of eyeglasses that are very well-loved.

If you’re interested in getting your frames repaired, we’ll look at ways to avoid these issues and why it’s so important to find a shop with experience in different types of metals.

How to Repair Titanium Glasses

The laser is the most common type of weld for titanium because it’s easier to focus the beam exactly where you need it. Titanium is a very good heat conductor, which makes it difficult to isolate one section based on where the repair is needed.

With a laser, you don’t need to use high heat, which makes it easier to keep both the finish and the coating of the glasses. Plus, there’s less chance that the surrounding metal will become too hot and ruin the frames. Laser welds are also strong and practically invisible, leading to long-lasting results that won’t clash with your outfit.

Soldering Vs. Lasers

Soldering is generally too hot for titanium welds and leads to a weaker bond than laser bonds. Knowing the basics of this common metal is important because frames are often fragile enough that you don’t want to take any chances.

Find Eyeglass Repairs in Portland, OR

The staff at Asterix is used to working with people who love their eyewear in Portland, OR. There are frames out there that they don’t make anymore, frames that people have made part of their signature style for years. It’s equally important to us as it is to our customers to preserve glasses whenever possible. If you’re interested in fixing your frames with titanium welding, contact us today to learn more about what we can do.

Here, we do a full assessment before making any recommendations. At Asterix, we pride ourselves on investing in the equipment and the professional expertise

Are Eyeglass Repairs More Expensive Than a New Pair of Glasses?

If your glasses are broken or just showing their age, the natural debate is whether to repair or replace them. As a general rule, repairs are less expensive than replacements, though the exact cost depends on how much damage the original pair has sustained. We’ll look at what to consider before you make the decision.

When to Repair and When to Replace 

At Asterix Eyewear, we recommend repairing your glasses when the hinges are bent, screws are loose, or the frames show minor signs of cracking. If the lenses are badly scratched or cracked or the frames are busted, replacing them typically makes more sense.

How Much Does It Cost to Repair My Glasses?

Repairs typically cost less than $100, depending on the type of frames, lenses, and the design complexity of the pair. Sometimes, there’s no question about whether to repair or replace your glasses. For instance, you might have a limited-edition pair that has become your signature style.

These kinds of intangible attachments make the transaction less about money and more about how to preserve your reflection. It’s important not to discount your personal feelings about your glasses, especially if you need to wear them regularly. After all, it’s not always easy to find a pair of frames that you want to put on day after day.

How Much Do New Glasses Cost?

Without insurance, new glasses in Portland, OR, are usually a few hundred dollars, though it depends on the type of frames and lenses you purchase and where you purchase them from. You may be able to find highly discounted glasses online, though you run the risk of the frames being a poor fit for your face. When you visit a store in person, you can talk through what you’re looking for in a pair, so you can be sure about what you’re buying.

Find Eyeglass Repair in Portland

If you have questions about your damaged eyeglasses, don’t wait until they worsen! We offer experteyeglass repair in Portland, OR, for frames and lenses that are worth saving. Visit the staff at Asterix Eyewear to learn more about whether to repair or replace!

5 Reasons to Get a Spare Pair of Glasses

Getting a spare pair of glasses may sound like an indulgence, but it’s not! Spare glasses are a convenience in many ways.

As youreye doctor in Portland, OR, we have a wide selection of eyeglasses, so you can always have a pair on hand when it’s needed. Getting a spare pair of glasses can help you stay safe and avoid inconvenience if your glasses are broken or lost. Here’s what to consider.

1. Keep a Spare Pair At Your Workplace

Maybe you spend most of your time at your workplace or elsewhere outside your home. Having a spare pair of glasses means you can keep one pair at home and another pair where you spend your time. Having a spare pair means having the convenience of storing glasses where you’re most likely to need them.

2. Never Without the Ability to Perform Important Tasks

If you lose your primary pair of glasses, you may be unable to drive or do important jobs that you need to do. Keeping a spare pair of glasses around means that you always have the ability to perform important tasks that require your glasses.

3. Ability to Mix and Match

Once you have multiple pairs of glasses, you can mix and match the glasses on your face with your outfits. Mixing and matching means that you can be more satisfied with your outfit. Having options feels good.

4. You Could Break Your Pair

Are you hard on your glasses? If so, another good reason to get a spare is that you could break your primary pair of glasses and may need backups until your glasses are fixed. Breaking your pair of glasses is terribly inconvenient unless you have a backup plan. With a spare pair, you can wait until it’s a better time to get your primary pair of glasses fixed.

5. Insurance Pays for One Pair Per Year

If you have vision insurance, there’s a good chance that your vision insurance will pay for one pair of glasses yearly. If you’re not taking advantage of this benefit, you’re leaving something you could otherwise take advantage of. Use your insurance to get a spare pair of glasses or a new primary pair.

Neednew glasses in Portland, OR? Call Asterix today.

How to Shop For Quality Eyewear

Whether you’re buying prescription eyeglasses or sunglasses, quality is important. When it comes to eyeglasses, everything is not equal, so it’s essential to know what to look for when shopping for an item with a prominent place on your face. Here are some tips to bring with you the next time you purchase eyeglasses.

Shop at a Quality Outlet

The first thing to know is to avoid discount stores. Shop at a quality eyewear outlet, such as your eye doctor in Portland, OR, where you can find hundreds of quality frames at a range of price points.

Look For Brand Names

Brand names behind eyeglasses have a reputation to uphold, so you can be certain they will be of good quality. Look for names like Maui Jim, TagHeuer, Vuarnet, Versace, Ray-Ban, and others. If in doubt about a particular brand, just ask your eyewear representative for information.

Consider the Construction

When you find frames that you’re drawn to, carefully examine the construction. The arms of the eyeglasses should articulate firmly but easily as you unfold them. There should be little to no “play” up and down. The screws in the corners should be tightly in place. Quality eyewear will often have nose guards to protect the bridge of your nose against chafing. The material should be soft and smooth, with no rough edges. Any embellishments should be firmly attached, not just shiny “bling” stickers designed to attract your attention.

Evaluate Lens Quality

If you’re shopping for sunglasses, make sure they’re rated for 100% UV protection. Ask if you can get scratch-resistant coating for your sunglasses. A quality eyewear store in Portland should be able to offer this.


Good quality eyeglasses should be lightweight enough to be comfortable yet have enough heft to feel solid and durable. Hold the frames gently in the palm of your hand to feel the heft. Compare to similar, cheaper frames to see the difference.

Warranty and After-Sales Service

A good warranty can be an indicator of the manufacturer’s confidence in their product. Also, consider whether the brand offers good customer service for repairs or adjustments.

When you’re in the market for quality eyeglasses in Portland, OR, visit Asterix Eyewear. Contact us to learn more.